Hello 2023!

Just like that, another year has passed.

I have so much to be grateful for. Last year was a definite roller coaster for me. I went through a lot (and cried a lot too haha). But on the last day of 2022, I can say that I'm stronger and wiser, and just extremely content. At the end of the day, all that matters is my relationship with Allah swt. 

I'm a firm believer of this:

"When you repair your relationship with Allah swt, Allah swt will repair everything else for you"

The power of prayer is so strong, I hope I never forget that.

I'm grateful for still being alive and healthy. I'm grateful for the partner and best friends I have - they are the best support system I could ever ask for. I'm grateful that I still have my family around. My mama and sister. I see them everyday, and I love it when the three of us are just talking at the dining table, or in our room. I want to be 100% present when I'm around them because one day it might not be like this anymore; if I move out when I'm married, or if death takes one of us first. Anything can happen. So I truly am grateful for my family, and I always remind them that I love them.

The ultimate lesson I learnt this year is to be forgiving. Not just for other people, but for myself. Everyone on the planet makes mistakes, and that's how we learn and grow. Forgive, let go and move on. I see my mistakes as lessons and motivation to become better, and to always rely on Allah swt for strength and guidance. What other people think of me is insignificant, as long as I know I'm doing the right thing, with good intentions, I'm fine. I also realized that I love being low key. Being more private about what goes on in my head/life, controlling what I share with other people- on the internet and in real life. Keeping things to myself and being somewhat more reserved as a person has definitely made me happier.

I pray and hope that 2023 will be an amazing year for all of us. May we get closer to reaching our goals and go through every life obstacle with ease.

Happy New Year, loves! 
