Ramadan Thoughts

I’m pretty sad that Ramadan is coming to end. It flew by this year and although I tried to make the best of it, I knew I was capable of doing much more. But, I am grateful for everything. Allah is the best planner and I took this month to really start over, and cleanse myself before I self-destructed. I'm leaving Ramadan with a clearer vision this time, and I'm hoping I'll be able to focus and not lose sight of what's important again. I want to be able to prioritize my religion above everything else. I want to be able to put myself first over anything else. I want to believe that disappointing myself is a much bigger deal than disappointing others. I hate that I am consumed by this temporary world we live in. I keep thinking about how I should do well in life so that I may live comfortably, but that shouldn't be it. Life is so much more than that, and I need to keep this in mind at all times: I don't have forever to live, and I might die at any time. I don't want to die knowing there was more I could have done. I don't want to break my own heart by living the way I do. Ramadan was a breath of fresh air, it was the change of atmosphere that I needed, and I am so ready to keep changing for the better.

Raya is tomorrow! And I'd like to wish everyone, who is reading this Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri! Maaf Zahir & Batin! I genuinely apologize if I have ever wronged or offended you in any way, and I hope we can give each other a fresh start. May your Raya celebration be filled with joy, good food and nice pictures to post on Instagram. But most of all, I pray that Allah accepts all of our deeds during Ramadan and grants us Jannah. Hopefully, we run into each other there one day. InsyaAllah. I'll end this post with a Ramadan photo diary:

Iftar with people I love the most.

Iftar with some old colleagues. I’m so touched that they are still inviting me even I have been gone for so long.

My friend cried when I surprised her with a birthday celebration.

Had Covid for the second time.

Abang Kerol came from Perlis and decorated our home with Raya light and oil lamp. It looks so lovely! Then, we played bunga api and mercun together!

We claimed 4 Baskin Robins ice creams for free!

We had iftar at Mak Uda’s house and played fireworks with my cousins. *sorry for the bad quality, I screenshot from videos.

Met Aunty Mayang that arrived from Brunei. We haven’t seen her since the pandemic.

Iftar together with Bad ♥

My first Zakat Fitrah. I’m a grown woman right now.

My car was hit and I got it polished for free hehe.
